A 1 QUALİTY Wood pellets are a modern ecological fuel with extreme density,
high calorific value, low moisture content, and minimal ash debris.
They are made from sawdust compressed into small granules of a cylindrical shape
with a diameter of 6–8 mm and length of up to 50 mm.
Pellets are made of a renewable energy source, their use is maintenance-free
and cheaper than gas or electricity. That’s why they are seen as the most promising fuel.
Wood pellets are used as a substitute for fossil fuels in special stoves and fireplaces
with combustion efficiency over 90%. As for comfort and
cleanness of operation, they can be compared to electric or gas boilers
because of the possibility of automatic feeding and front loading.
The use of pellets for commercial
and industrial heating (heating plants, power plants) is also on the increase.